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The editors of Financial Executive magazine bring you these timely and relevant articles on subjects of immediate interest from a variety of well respected sources.

· (Financial) Accounting, Auditing And Reporting
· Career and Professional Development
· CFO Interviews
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: online exclusives
Corporate Strategy

July 2011

Growing Shared Services Value: Four Perspectives for CFOs
For CFOs responsible for cost savings, here is a framework for understanding the benefits of shared services, which calls upon the CFO to play four distinct roles within the enterprise.

June 2011

Business Continuity – More Than Just a Plan Is Required
Information technology is no longer just a back-office function, staffed by computer geeks speaking their own language. IT keeps a company open for business, and if not careful, it can also close the business down — for good.

May 2011

To Outsource, or Not to Outsource? Hard Data Simplifies the Decision
Deciding whether to outsource a key business function is complex, but it’s easier when the prospective client knows it can monitor the service provider’s performance in near real time and with mathematical precision.

May 2011

New Technologies Key to Business Continuity Strategy
Traditional crisis management strategies have proven insufficient and now forward-looking companies are utilizing new technologies to ensure the safety of their people and assets as well as the on-going viability and competitive advantage of the company.

March 2011

Driving M&A Successes
The increased pace of merger and acquisition activity late in 2010 – including some huge deals – suggests that 2011 will be an active year

December 2010

Why U.S. Business Needs a Reliable Research Incentive
Uncertainty surrounding the research and development tax credit continues as Congress failed to weigh in on its continuation.

September 2010

IPO Success Begins with Readiness Preparation
Though IPO activity is not yet robust, there are signs that markets are quickening and this, the first of a three-part series, outlines the keys to beginning the journey and working with venture-capital partners.

July 2009

Preparation Between Storms
Survived the current turmoil? Then, it’s time to be making preparations for the upturn – by considering strategy, risk and talent.

March 2009

Action Items for Distressed Companies
As custodian of their firms’ financial welfare, CFOs have an especially difficult role in troubled economic times. Here are eight key action items that should be undertaken at distressed firms now.

September 2008

Economic Pressures Driving Innovation
During the economic downturn, it’s time to focus on the business basics, starting with your customers. Here are tips to mitigate the downside.

May 2008

Five Actions CFOs Should Take Now to Address an Economic Downturn
Just cost-cutting doesn’t work, so this spend- and supply- management consultant offers five tips for belt-tightening during the current uncertain economic environment that will keep your company lean, efficiently and intelligently

January 2008

In a Tighter M&A Market, Identify Deal Characteristics That Bring Success
There’s new research to offer some interesting findings that may help explain why some deals work better than others.

September 2007

M&A a New Game as Big Players Raise the Bar
The new dynamics of the M&A market in both the U.K. and the U.S. are challenging even the most effective acquisition teams – and require a quicker pace and more sophistication.

January 2007

Getting a Real Handle on Profitability: `Margin Only´ Is Not Enough
What does is take to drive profitability higher? Michael Rothschild, CEO of Maxager Technology, thinks too many managers at manufacturing companies focus too tightly on margins and return on assets.

January 2003

Making Sales Organizations More Cost-Effective in Lean Times
Ted Briggs, national head of the sales and marketing practice at Sibson Consulting, talks about effective targeting and competing in a tough environment to FE Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Marshall.

June 2002

Tech Wreck Revisited
CFOs of Technology, Telecom and Media Companies Provide Insights.Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Marshall spoke with principals at Cap Gemini/Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young on survey findings.

March 2002

Integrating Practices with Principles
Author of current best-seller Good to Great talks with Financial Executive's Managing Editor Ellen M. Heffes about integrating practices with principles to form sustainable companies.

March 2002

Cut Costs By Reducing Employee Turnover
Jude Rich of Sibson Consulting provides a four-step process to reduce high turnover costs.

February 2002

Surviving in Silicon Valley
Xtime, a software firm near San Francisco, has managed to hang on as scores of other nearby tech firms have collapsed. Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Marshall spoke with the CFO and several key executives.

January 2002

Crisis Looming? Consider a Turnaround Expert
Turnaround professional Howard Brod Brownstein explains what experts in his profession do, when they're most effective and some of the actions they typically take when a company is in dire straits.

January 2002

EVA® : CFO Opinions - the Hawthorne Effect?
Results of a study exploring CFO opinions and realities of EVA®'s role in enhancing an organization's relative market performance.

August 2001

Cutting Costs Without Slicing the Bottom Line
The sluggish economy offers opportunities to elicit significant cost savings in four key business expense areas outlined in this contributed article by Viktor Rzeteljski, partner in charge of KPMG's Assurance-Based Advisory Services practice.

July 2001

AAR Interview
Companies are beginning to use the U.S. Army's battlefield learning tool to better manage high-risk projects. A consultant involved in teaching corporations about these techniques spoke recently with FE about them.

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