: leadership
Board of Directors
FEI shall be governed by the Board consisting of such members as the Board may from time to time decide, not to exceed forty (40) members. The Board shall include the Chair, the Vice Chair, up to two Vice Presidents at Large, the FEI President, the First Past Chair (normally the immediate past chair), the Second Past Chair (normally the senior of the two immediate past chairs) the FEI Treasurer, the FEI Secretary, all Area Vice Presidents, all Area Directors-at-Large, the FERF Chairman, and the Advocacy and Accounting Committee Chairs (or their designates). The FEI Canada President, the FEI Canada Chair and the FEI Canada Vice-Chair may be included as Ex-Officio, non-voting members.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
Office of the Chair
Serves as a consultative body for the National Chair and is intended to provide continuity of direction for FEI. Consists of the National Chair, the National Vice Chair, two Vice Presidents at Large, the FEI President, and the Immediate Past Chair.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
Area Boards
The entire membership of FEI is divided into six areas, each governed by an Area Board of Directors consisting of: the Area Vice President, the Area Director at Large, the Directors elected from the membership, Chapter Presidents, Executive Committee members and Advocacy and Accounting Committee Chairs from Chapters within each area. The Area Boards oversee chapter activities within their areas. Area Vice Presidents are elected by the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee, while Area Directors at Large and Area Directors are elected by the membership.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
National Chapter Leadership Council (NCLC)
Serves as a resource to the Board by expressing its views concerning issues, programs, and proposals being addressed by FEI. Comprised of the Board, the Area Directors, and the Chapter Presidents.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
Standing Committees
Oversees the financial reporting process and assures the objectivity of independent auditors. Principal duties include evaluating internal controls, recommending auditing firms, reviewing the financial statements/reports from independent accountants, and reporting of management responsibilities.
Paul Chase, pchase@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1015
Budget & Finance
Provides guidance and oversees preparation of the annual budget, monitors performance, and makes recommendations for improved financial performance to the Executive Committee and to the Board.
Paul Chase, pchase@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1015
Determines the compensation of the President, approves the compensation of staff officers/directors, and reviews/approves other compensation policies.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
Strives to make FEI an inclusive organization by encouraging minorities and women to join FEI and to put into place programs that demonstrate diversity. The mission of the Diversity Committee is to create an environment for FEI that is receptive to and encouraging of members and staff of all ethnicities, races, genders and backgrounds.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
Oversees membership procedures to ensure that successful practices relating to membership recruitment, retention, and involvement are identified, developed with National, and administered by National or Chapters, as appropriate, and communicated to Chapters. The Committee also will strive to utilize Chapter members who have served as recruitment or retention chairs.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001
Annually nominates a slate of officers and directors, and when vacancies occur, nominates interim replacements for those positions, reporting their activities and progress to the Board Chair.
Anissa Joseph, ajoseph@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1066
Pension and Investment
Provides advice and counsel regarding the administration of FEI's Pension Plan, investment policy and the selection of investment managers for the Pension Plan and short and long-term investments.
Paul Chase, pchase@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1015
Strategic Planning
Provides guidance and oversees the long‑range planning function of FEI. Reviews the activities of FEI as they might relate to the achievement of FEI’s long‑range objectives and reports its recommendations to the Board.
Marie N. Hollein, CTP, mhollein@financialexecutives.org, 973.765.1001