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: Internal Control

COSO Update For PCAOB SAG - March 24, 2011
President´s Page: March 2011
COSO Releases Two New Thought Papers On ERM
COSO Launches Survey On Update Of Internal Control Framework; Deadline Jan. 31
FEI Express Public Company Edition #88
COSO Launches Project To Modernize 1992 Internal Control Framework
Does Internal Control Improve Operations And Prevent Fraud?
The following article, authored by William M. Sinnett, Director of Research, Financial Executives Research Foundation, originally appeared in the September, 2009 edition of Financial Executives Magazine, published by Financial Executives International. Does Internal Control Improve Operations And Prevent Fraud?
The following article, authored by William M. Sinnett, Director of Research, Financial Executives Research Foundation, originally appeared in the September, 2009 edition of Financial Executives Magazine, published by Financial Executives International. Regulators Step Up Efforts On Transnational Bribery, FCPA Enforcement - OECD Report
On Oct. 15, 2010 the OECD's Working Group on Bribery published its 'phase 3' report, commending stepped-up efforts of the U.S. DOJ, FBI and SEC regarding enforcement efforts of anti-bribery statutes, including the FCPA. FEI Express Public Company Edition #84
SEC Exempts Small Cos. From Internal Control Audits
On Sept. 15, 2010 the SEC issued a Final Rule exempting small companies from Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. COSO Releases Thought Paper On Enterprise Risk Management
Sarbanes-Oxley Exemption Passes Congressional Committee
On Nov. 4, 2009 the House Financial Services Committee voted to adopt an amendment that would exempt small companies from Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404b. SEC Extends Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404b Deadline For Small Cos.
Continuous Auditing/Monitoring A Key Business Ally
Continuous audit, continuous monitoring is a powerful ally for businesses executives seeking to effectively measure change, reduce institutional stress. SOX Compliance by Small Public Companies
Assessing Organizational Fraud Risk Through Segregation of Duties
BDO Consulting's 2009 Segregation of Duties Checklist is available through Financial Executives Research Foundation's bookstore free to FEI members. ethics: may 09
Learning from recent lapses of others, many organizations are making genuine efforts to create effective cultures of ethics. However, persistent missteps in this process continue to be seen. Value And Effectiveness Of Corporate Anti-Fraud Programs
COSO Releases Monitoring Guidance
COSO Guidance On Monitoring Internal Control To Be Issued Feb. 4
FEI Meets With Auditors From China
Guidance For Small Public Cos. On Internal Control Audits Published By PCAOB
internal controls: november 08
Is your internal audit activity doing what you and your board of directors want? If not, what steps are you taking to change it? Board Role Is Focus Of FEI Comments To COSO On Monitoring Internal Control
Among points raised in a comment letter filed on Aug. 15, 2008, FEI’s Task Force on Monitoring (TFM) urged COSO to revise better differentiate the role of the board vs. management in its Exposure Draft entitled, “Guidance on Monitoring Internal Control Systems.” Former Rep. Oxley At FEI Chapter: 'Sarbanes-Oxley Act Restored Investor Confidence'
Former Sen. Oxley, speaking at a chapter meeting of the Financial Executives International Okahoma City Chapter, said "The goal of the act was transparency and accountability and restoring investor confidence." FEI Comments On GSA-DOJ Proposal On Contractor Compliance and Integrity Reporting
FEI Comments on GAS-DOJ Proposal on Contractor Compliance and Integrity Reporting internal controls: November 07
Using technology that automates testing of internal controls ensures regulatory compliance and promotes operational excellence. Audit: October 07
While hopes are high that Auditing Standard 5 will sharply reduce audit costs, no one knows for sure. And success at multinational giants won’t necessarily carry over to smaller companies. Key Points In COSO Discussion Document: "Guidance on Monitoring Internal Control Systems"
COSO: Discussion Document On Monitoring; Comments Due Oct. 31
SAS 112 and Internal Control
COSO Selects Grant Thornton To Lead Monitoring Project
COSO Launches Project To Develop Guidance On Monitoring
COSO Issues Small Business Guidance
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