10-10-27 :
'Real-time' Equity Risk Premium
Grant Thornton valuation professionals explore methods of estimating the equity risk premium in discount rates and introduce the merits and benefits of a forward-looking approach to measurement.
10-09-13 :
FEI CEO In Webcast Speaking About Risk Oversight With Board Member CEO
10-06-30 :
June 2010
10-04-01 :
Risk Management: April 10
Questions that often keep business executives up at night might be more easily addressed with a strong corporate commitment to enterprise risk management practices.
10-03-29 :
March 2010
09-12-24 :
November 2009
09-12-22 :
SEC Posts Transition Guidance For New Proxy Disclosures; Other Proposals
On Dec. 22, 2009 the SEC posted a Compliance and Disclosure Interpretation entitled Proxy Disclosure Enhancements Transtion. The transition guidance relates to the SEC's new proxy disclosure rules on risk, compensation and governance which were approved by the SEC on December 16.
09-12-16 :
SEC Approves Rules On Disclosure Of Compensation, Risk, Corporate Governance
At its open commission meeting on Dec. 16, 2009 the SEC voted 4-1 to approve final rules requiring new disclosures relating to executive compensation and corporate governance.
09-09-10 :
Value of Anti-Fraud Program, New Study, By BDO Consulting
A study by BDO Consulting evaluates data in support of anti-fraud measures that can be taken by management, boards of directors and investors.
09-09-01 :
Risk Management: September 09
The current economic environment has provided an opportunity to review contract-and vendor-management programs or institutionalize gains realized from any recent ad-hoc improvements.
09-09-01 :
In Brief: September 09
09-08-31 :
Assessing Organizational Fraud Risk Through Segregation of Duties
BDO Consulting's 2009 Segregation of Duties Checklist is available through Financial Executives Research Foundation's bookstore free to FEI members.
09-07-27 :
Foreign Exchange
09-06-01 :
Is ERM Failure to Blame for Financial Crisis?
Some experts suggest the enterprise risk management manual be destroyed and started over. But while it’s tempting is to say that the risk-management sky is falling, a more nuanced approach is more useful.
09-05-01 :
bookshelf: may 09
09-04-01 :
mergers & acquisitions: april 09
As turbulent economic indicators create a difficult M&A climate, this can be a good time for financial executives to assess their core business and explore positioning options — but incredible due
diligence is essential.
09-04-01 :
business continuity: April 09
Focusing on catastrophic events before they occur undermines effective preparedness and distorts perception of risk in a way that actually makes companies more vulnerable — even in the course of ordinary operations.
09-04-01 :
Assessing Risks to the Business
A principles-based approach to risk assessment provides a mechanism for identifying which risks represent opportunities and which represent potential pitfalls.
09-04-01 :
deals & dealmakers: April 09
Most negotiators don’t have the risk conversation with their counterparts often enough, and when they do,they don’t do it well enough. When negotiating, CFOs and controllers need to ensure that dealmakers think carefully about when and how to raise which risks.
09-03-01 :
bookshelf: March 09