11-01-25 :
CCT Top Issues in 2011
10-10-13 :
FEI Express Public Company Edition #85
10-07-21 :
Dodd-Frank Act Signed By President Obama
10-05-14 :
Senate Votes For Sweeping Changes To Credit Rating Process
As debate continues on S. 3217 -- Restoring America Financial Stability Act of 2010, on May 13, the Senate voted to adopt two amendments that will make significant changes to the regulation of NRSROs.
09-12-16 :
Congress Seeks To Reform Credit Rating Agencies
Continuing to broaden its overhaul of the U. S. financial system, the U.S. House of Representatives passed significant legislation on Dec. 11, 2009 that mandates regulation of credit rating agencies in the U.S.
09-12-11 :
House Passes Financial Regulatory Reform Bill
On Dec. 11, 2009 the House of Representatives passed by a 223-202 vote, its version of a comprehensive financial regulatory reform bill, entitled H.R. 4173, the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
09-11-25 :
Congress Seeks To Reform Credit Rating Agencies
Continuing to broaden its overhaul of the U.S. financial system, the House Financial Services Committee and Senate Banking Committee have proposed significant legislation in recent weeks relating to credit rating agencies.
09-11-24 :
SEC Proposed, Final Rules On Credit Rating Agencies; Congress Seeks Related Reforms
On Nov. 23, 2009 the SEC released proposed and final rules relating to credit rating agencies.
09-06-24 :
FEI Comments On Credit Rating Agencies
09-06-24 :
FEI Comments On Credit Rating Agencies
09-04-21 :
S&P Introduces Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio For Financial Institutions
On April 21, 2009 Standard & Poor's introduced a new risk-adjusted capital (RAC) ratio for financial institutions.
09-04-16 :
SEC Hosts Credit Rating Agencies Roundtable; Seeks Public Comment
On April 15, 2009 the SEC held a roundtable on oversight of credit rating agencies. Here is a detailed summary of that roundtable.
09-04-13 :
SEC Seeks Comment On Oversight Of Credit Rating Agencies
On April 13, 2009 the SEC released a request for comment on Oversight of Credit Rating Agencies. The request for comment is being conducted in conjunction with SEC's April 15 roundtable on this subject.
08-12-03 :
SEC Acts On Credit Rating Agency Rulemaking
The SEC voted on Dec. 3, 2008 to adopt certain final rules, and to issue for public comment certain propsoed rules, related to nationally recognized credit rating organizations (NRSROs).
08-06-11 :
SEC Approves Release Of Two Proposed Rules On Credit Ratings, Credit Rating Agencies
The SEC approved the release of two rule proposals on June 11, 2008, relating to credit ratings and credit rating agencies. A third proposal will be considered at SEC's June 25 meeting.
06-10-06 :
President Signs Credit Rating Agency Reform Legislation
06-09-25 :
Senate Passes Credit Rating Agency Reform Legislation
On Sept. 22, 2006 the Senate approved by unanimous consent S. 3850, the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006. The legislation would overhaul the framework for registering and overseeing credit rating agencies.
06-06-14 :
House Committee Approves Credit Rating Agency Reform Legislation