11-08-24 :
FEI Washington Policy Conference To Address Business Uncertainty
FEI's second annual Washington Policy Conference, Sept. 26-27, will address business uncertainty
11-08-17 :
Financial Reporting Considerations Of S&P Downgrade Of US Long-Term Debt
11-08-12 :
Optimism In Global Economy Falls Among US/Europe CFOs: FEI-Baruch Survey
11-08-01 :
FEI@80: August 2011
For most of the past 80 years, the economy has been driven by land and labor, machinery and manufacturing. But knowledge and new ideas are the assets that continue to propel 21st century growth, with financial executives poised to monitor the evolution
11-06-22 :
Deficit, Debt Ceiling, Regulatory Resouces Shortage Among Subjects at WSJ D.C. Meeting
Brief Summary of WSJ CFO Network meeting in Washington, D.C., June 20-21
11-05-16 :
Mid-market Perspectives: 2011 Report On America's Economic Engine
Deloitte/Economist Intelligence Unit survey of 527 executives of public and private companies for current and future outlook.
11-05-01 :
Editor’s Page: May 2011
11-04-08 :
CCT Joins Letter to Congress Seeking Extension of Dodd-Frank Rules Deadline
11-03-01 :
Washington Insights: March 2011
11-01-26 :
President Obama's Second State Of The Union Address
On Jan. 25, President Barack Obama gave his second State of the Union address before the 112th Congress and voters nationwide.
11-01-04 :
FEI CEO's 2011 Top Challenges For Financial Executives
FEI's president and CEO lists top issues for financial executives for 2011
11-01-01 :
Cover Story: January 11
While there was some noticeable progress over the past year, there is still a long, long way to go for the U.S. economy to reach a full-fledged rebound. Will 2011 continue in upward mode? We present 2011 Forecast and suggest you fasten your seat belts, as it's likely to remain bumpy for a while.
11-01-01 :
Economy: January 11
Tough and yet-to-be-written new federal regulations, tense debates over taxes, spending and investment, stubbornly high unemployment levels. Over the past year, these were some of the factors influencing an economic recovery best described as tepid. What's on tap for 2011? By most accounts, more of the same.
11-01-01 :
Financial Reporting: January 11
10-12-01 :
In Brief: December 10
10-10-01 :
In Brief: October 10
10-09-29 :
FEI Express Public Company Edition #84
10-09-10 :
President Barack Obama Discusses New Economic Plan
At a press conference held at the White House on Sept. 10, President Barack Obama responded to questions concerning his recent three-pronged plan for the U.S. economy
10-05-01 :
In Brief: May 10
10-03-18 :
President Obama Signs HIRE Act Of 2010
On March 18, 2010 President Barack Obama signed H.R. 2847, the "HIRE Act," into law.
10-02-18 :
President Obama Creates Blue Ribbon Panel To Reduce Debt
On Feb. 18, 2010 President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order creating an 18-member bipartisan commission to make recommendations on how to cut entitlement spending and increase taxes enough to bring the government's mounting debt under control.
10-02-12 :
'HIRE' Legislation Released In The Senate To Spur Job Growth
the day after Sens. Bacus and Grassley released a bipartisan bill in the Senate, House Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) proposed a "slimmed down" verson of the jobs bill.
10-02-02 :
President Obama's Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Released, Includes Tax Increases
10-01-21 :
President Obama Proposes Restrictions On Size, Scope Of Financial Institutions
At a press conference earlier today, President Barack Obama proposed restrictions on the size and scope of financial institutions.
10-01-01 :
In Brief: January 10
10-01-01 :
Cover Story: January 10
It’s a new year, the end of the first decade of a new millennium. If there’s one thing those in the corporate world have likely learned these last 10 years, it’s that you can’t be too careful.
10-01-01 :
Economy: January 10
The economy survived 2009. Now attention turns to the conditions and fiscal policies that will shape the landscape in 2010 and beyond, particularly in the areas of job growth and creating a hospitable business environment.
09-12-21 :
FEI CEO: 2010 Top Challenges For Financial Executives
09-12-01 :
In Brief: December 09
09-09-25 :
Financial Executive Magazine Reports From G-20
09-09-25 :
G-20 Leaders' Statement Issued At Conclusion Of Pittsburgh Summit
09-09-25 :
Financial Crisis To Reform: Change, Or Just High Hopes? By LECG
Lynn E. Turner, former chief accountant at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, currently serving as senior advisor and managing director at LECG, has written a paper entitled, Financial Crisis to Reform: Change, or Just High Hopes?
09-09-24 :
Best Practices For Internal Audit Committees - Six Basic Steps
Carlos Mendez, a regular collaborator of IMEF's National Technical Committee on Financial Information, reports on, Best Practices for Internal Audit Committees - Six Basic Steps.
09-09-24 :
The Crisis And Its Effects On Corporate Governance
The following article, The Crisis and Its Effects on Corporate Governance, s is by Jose Antonio Quesada, member of IMEF's National Technical Committee on Corporate Governance and Legislation.
09-09-14 :
President To Wall Street: Return To Normalcy Cannot Lead To Complacency
On Sept. 14, 2009 President Barack Obama gave a speech on Wall Street.
09-08-25 :
FEI Applauds Bernanke Nomination To Serve Second Term As Federal Reserve Chair
09-08-13 :
American Bankers Association Voices Concern On FASB-IASB Financial Instruments Project
On Aug. 12, 2009 the American Bankers Association filed a comment letter on FASB's financial instruments project. ABA included in an attachment to that letter a white paper entitled: The Current Pace and Direction of Accounting Standard Setting. The letter and white paper follow another letter and white paper filed by ABA on the financial instruments project on Aug. 4.
09-07-01 :
members speak out: July 09
During the current economic crisis, bankruptcies are exploding in many business sectors, business news is bad if not frightening, confidence is low and fears continue to rise as difficulties persist.
09-07-01 :
strategy: july 09
There is little doubt that even when the economy returns to good health, things will be different. Organizations focused on growth are advised to prepare for anything but “business as usual.”
09-06-26 :
FASB Chairman Delivers Speech At National Press Club
09-06-26 :
Highlights Of FASB Chairman's Speech At National Press Club
Following are highlights from FASB Chairman Robert Herz' June 26, 2009 speech at the National Press Club, and selected highlights from the Q&A that followed.
09-06-23 :
FEI Survey: CFOs Anticipate Economic Recovery Within 2 Years
FEI/Baruch 2nd quarter CFO survey
09-06-10 :
Business Optimism Increases, Says Grant Thornton Index
09-06-01 :
washington insights: June 09
As the United States faces the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, treasurers and chief financial officers in organizations are concerned.
09-06-01 :
cfo interview: June 09
David Garofalo explains how the countercyclical nature of the gold sector allows his firm to grow despite the global economic downturn.
09-06-01 :
treasury: June 09
In a year of recession and credit uncertainty, understanding and managing liquidity has become a top priority for most treasurers. Many management teams were shocked to learn just how quickly slowing revenue and frozen credit can blossom into a full-blown crisis.
09-06-01 :
cover story: June 09
Everything about your business needs to be a re-thought: customers, sources of supply, economics of the business, social patterns, the potential for new forms of strategic partnerships — everything.
09-06-01 :
president´s page: June 09
Considering relevance, I believe that clarity was achieved after having attended FEI’s Summit conference in May.
09-05-29 :
The Global Financial Crisis: A Plan For Regulatory Reform - By CCMR
On May 26, 2009 the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation, an independent and nonpartisan group formed in 2006, issued a new report entitled, The Global Financial Crisis: A Plan for Regulatory Reform.
09-05-22 :
Pressure On FASB, IASB Could Result In Tragedy, Advisory Group (FCAG) Warns
At least three members of the Financial Crisis Advisory Group, formed jointly by FASB and IASB to advise them on accounting matters relating to the credit crisis, warned that political pressure on FASB - and the IASB in particular - could result in tragedy.
09-05-20 :
President Obama Signs Fraud Enforcement And Recovery Act (FERA); Mortgage Act
On May 20, 2009 President Barack Obama signed into law the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 (FERA).
09-05-12 :
Tax, Budget Update: Treasury's Greenbook, OMB's Analytical Perspectives Released
On May 11, the U.S. Treasury Department released its "General Explanations of the Administration's Fiscal Year 2010 Revenue Proposals, also known as the Greenbook. Separately, The White House OMB released its annual Analytical Perspectives.
09-05-11 :
Key Provisions In House, Senate Versions Of Fraud Enforcement And Recovery Act (FERA)
On May 18, 2009 Congress passed its version of the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 (FERA), and sent the bill to the President.
09-05-08 :
Bank Stress Test Results Released
On May 7, 2009 the federal banking regulators releasd the results of the bank stress tests they conducted on 19 of the nation's largest bank holding companies.
09-05-06 :
Summit 2009: Summary Of Keynote Presentations
Following are highlights from the keynote speakers at FEI's Summit conference held May 3-5, 2009 at the Gaylord Texan Hotel in Grapevine, TX.
09-05-01 :
president´s page: may 09
The month of May brings some much-needed warmth to the Northeast and, similarly, many “hot” topics are on the minds of financial executives across the country.
09-05-01 :
washington insights: may 09
President Barack Obama’s “first 100 days” ended April 30, having been fast, furious, eventful and full of change. The significance placed on this benchmark date by political pundits makes now a good time to take a look both back and ahead to the critical policy debates on the horizon.
09-04-07 :
G-20 Leaders Pledge Action; Financial Stability Board To Replace FSF
At the conclusion of the G-20 Summit on April 2, 2009 the leaders issued a statement pledging action on various fronts, including as relate to restoring confidence, growth and jobs, and relating to strengthening financial regulation, and more.
09-04-01 :
president´s page: April 09
09-03-26 :
Administration Releases Regulatory Reform Proposal
On March 26, 2009 U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared before the House Financial Services Committee to address overhauling financial regulatory systems.
09-03-23 :
U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner Releases Details On Public-Private Investment Program
On March 23, 2009 U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner released details of of a Public Private Investment Program which will utilize up to $1 trillion to buy up toxic assets dragging down balance sheets of financial institutions.
09-03-17 :
Ideas For Financial Regulation Reform Vetted At Congressional Hearing
On March 17, 2009 House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) convened a hearing on regulation of systemic risk in the financial services industry.
09-03-11 :
FASB-IASB Financial Crisis Advisory Group Seeks Comment By April 2
The Financial Crisis Advisory Group, a high level advisory group formed by FASB and the IASB late last year, has issued a request for comment.
09-03-01 :
FASB, SEC Commit To Providing Fair-Value (Mark-to-Market) Guidance By April 2
Following is a summary of the March 12, 2009 Congressional hearing on mark-to-market accounting.
09-03-01 :
private companies: March 09
09-03-01 :
bookshelf: March 09
09-02-25 :
Narrative Responses Written In For "Other" To Q.3, FEI Survey On Treasury's Financial Stability Plan
09-02-25 :
Cross Tabulated Results By Type Of Company-FEI Survey On Treasury Financial Stability Plan
09-02-25 :
Summary Results Of FEI Survey-U.S. Treasury Financial Stability Plan
09-02-17 :
How Should The EU Respond To The Financial Crisis-By ACCA
09-02-14 :
President Signs American Recovery And Reinvestment Act
09-02-10 :
Treasury Secretary Geithner Announces Administration's Financial Stability Plan
09-01-21 :
Huffington Post On The Year Ahead
09-01-21 :
Photo: Huffington Post Bloggers At 92nd St. Y
09-01-20 :
Critical Link Between Infrastructure And Global Economic Growth, KPMG Survey
Top executives concerned about infrastructure across all regions/ business leaders see public/partnerships part of the solution. KPMG report.
09-01-13 :
FEI Makes Recommendations To Congress And Treasury On Economic Stimulus
09-01-01 :
Dialing Down: A CFO Playbook for Troubled Times
The chief financial officer’s role as “cost-containment cop” -- typically assumed during the annual budget process -- has now become a daily routine to ensure spending priorities and cash management have proper oversight. Here are some tips for controlling costs all year long.
08-12-01 :
economy: december 08
08-11-01 :
in brief: november 08
08-10-17 :
President Bush Speaks On The Economy
Earlier today (Oct. 17, 2008), President George W. Bush gave a presentation on the economy before the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. FEI was invited to attend the gathering of approximately 300 people.
08-10-01 :
president`s page: october 08
I barely have to remind you that these are very challenging times for leaders in the financial community — regardless of the industry we work in.
07-05-16 :
Goldman Sachs Economist Sees Fed Easing By September
07-01-08 :
`American Business, Fundamentally Strong,´ U.S. Chamber Report