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from the SEC, FASB, PCAOB and IASB; as well as career management and executive-level and other finance & accounting jobs.
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posting an executive position in the fei job center in 4 easy steps

Please note: you will need an FEI web account to access these features. To create one, go here.
(FEI membership is not required)

Step 1: Getting Started

On the Career Center homepage, under the “I have a position to fill” heading, choose to add an “executive level job’, “consulting job” or “mid-level job” (salary of $99K and below)

Step 2: Login

You will be asked to log in and if you do not have a log in, you will be asked to create an account (directly above the log in area it says “If you are not an FEI member and do not have an account, please create one”). This will give you the opportunity to create a log in and password to post jobs in the future.

Once you complete the account set up, you will be taken to the terms and conditions page to which you must agree and in order to continue.

Step 3: Job Post Form

Once you are through the account verification and terms and conditions page, you are then taken to the job posting page where you will enter in the information regarding the position.

Try to be as specific as possible and enter all the information you can. The description section is cut and paste so that will save you time!
*Please note: If you are using certain internet explorers such as Firefox or Safari, you may receive a message about their incompatibility and you will be requested to use Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Step 4: finished

After you submit the posting, you will be taken back to your personal account page in the “my career services section”. Scroll down (or click on "my postings") to the middle of the page under the heading of “Existing Jobs” and you will see a snapshot of the position you posted

You can “view” your posting from this snapshot area. You will see how it will look to the viewers.
Once complete, the posting will be reviewed and online within 24 hours.
If you have any questions during the posting process, please contact a Career Services Representative at 973-765-1070, careerdistro@financialexecutives.org.

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