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Welcome to Financial Executives International, the preeminent association for CFOs and other senior finance executives. FEI provides
networking, advocacy and timely updates and CPE on financial management and reporting; Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance; regulatory updates
from the SEC, FASB, PCAOB and IASB; as well as career management and executive-level and other finance & accounting jobs.

FEI CEO In Webcast Speaking About Risk Oversight With Board Member CEO

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FEI President & CEO Participates in Governance Webcast

Marie Hollein, FEI's president and CEO, was a guest of TK Kersteller, CEO and president of Board Member, in a Boardroom Channel webcast presentation to discuss risk oversight.

The 7 1/2-minute segment can be viewed here. (At this page, scroll to click on "FEI Discusses Risk Oversight.")

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networking, knowledge, advocacy & leadership