FEI Blog Featured In NYSSCPAs 'The Trusted Professional' March 17, 2009 FEI Summary
The FEI Financial Reporting Blog is featured in the March 15, 2009 issue of the New York State Society of CPAs newsletter, The Trusted Professional. The article, Meet the CPA Bloggers, by Melissa Hoffmann Lajara, notes that the FEI blog was one of the first blogs in the financial reporting space, paving the way for other blogs in this subject area, including the NYSSCPAs blog launched last year, CPA.Blog. CPA.Blog is authored by Colleen Lutolf (editor, The Trusted Professional), Melissa Hoffman Lajara (associate editor, The Trusted Professional), and Cara Patterson (public relations associate, NYSSCPAs).
Lajara interviews five bloggers, including the FEI Financial Reporting Blog's Edith Orenstein, Re:The Auditors Francine McKenna, The Accounting Onion's Prof. Tom Selling, and The Summa's Prof. David Albrecht.