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Welcome to Financial Executives International, the preeminent association for CFOs and other senior finance executives. FEI provides
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FEI Joins Over 170 Organizations in Supporting Prudent Derivatives Regulation, Protecting End-Users

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On Feb. 3, 2010, Financial Executives International joined over 170 other companies and associations in supporting prudent reforms to the derivatives markets that protect corporate end-users in a letter to Senate Leadership. As noted in the letter, many organizations remain concerned that certain proposals for reform of the OTC derivatives market would place an extraordinary burden on and competitively disadvantage end-users in diverse sectors of the economy – including manufacturing, energy, healthcare, technology, commercial real estate and other industrial sectors.  The letter also included specific clarifications, which should be considered in the Senate version of the Wall Street Reform Act (HR 4173).

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  • 020310DerivativesFINAL

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