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Weighted Average Cost of Capital

A recent inquiry from one FEI member prompted this response.


Question: I am attempting to locate information which would show comparison of WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) for various companies or industries.


Answer: I did some searching on the Internet and found the following websites that may be helpful.


1)      The following website allows the user to enter a ticker symbol, and the website calculates the company’s WACC.




This would allow Mr. Jackson to do his own comparison of individual companies.


The website shows the data used in the calculation.  I have not used the website, so I cannot attest to its accuracy or timeliness. 


2)      The following website for New York University shows the WACC as of January 2010 for different industries. 




This website shows an example calculation.




3)      I also found a reference to the Cost of Capital Yearbook (published by Morningstar).




Morningstar now offers what used to be called the Ibbotson data.


I searched for “Industry WACC” and “Weighted average cost of capital.”  There are other sites available, but the ones above seem particularly relevant.


Hope this helps.


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