Event Overview
Cancelling a Registration
· This document will help you navigate cancelling a registration for an event.
Chapter Codes
Copying an Event – Method 1 | Method 2
· This document will help you copy the setup of a particular event previously created in netFORUM into a new event.
Creating a Registration Confirmation
· This document will help you create a registration confirmation through netFORUM for your event attendees.
Event Instructions
· This document will guide you through setting up and posting your event online (adding an event, adding a location, adding registration fees, making sure your event shows online, and adding a picture to your event).
Event Reports
· This document will teach you how to pull the following event information, such as event badges, registration lists and CPE Sign-in Sheet.
Substituting Registration
· This document will help you switch an event registration from one individual to another.
Processing a Payment for an Invoice or Registration Already in the System
· This document will provide you with the steps you need to apply payment for an invoice already created in netFORUM.
Registering a Guest
· This document will help you register an attendee’s guest for an event.
Registering an Individual on the Backend
· This document will help you register an attendee through netFORUM.