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Employee Benefits

The Employee Benefits Institute of America LLC (EBIA) is the leading provider of publications and seminars on Cafeteria Plans, 401(k) Plans, COBRA, HIPAA, and ERISA.

The EBIA WEEKLY is a free e-mail newsletter, published every Thursday evening, in which they highlight significant legal developments (statutes, regulations, administrative items, and selected court cases) that fall within the scope of their five reference manuals.

For information on 401(k) plans and the responsibilities of the plan administrator and recordkeeper, the following sites may be helpful:

A money purchase plan is a defined contribution plan in which the employer commits to contribute a fixed percentage of payroll on behalf of eligible employees. Common percentages are 10 and 15 percent, but could be anything between 1 and 25 percent.

The contribution obligation in a money purchase plan is inflexible. Because of this, money purchase plans are generally considered to be "rich" plans and inappropriate for a business that lacks stable profits. Other types of plans are better suited to allow a business to make large contributions in good years and small contributions in bad years. Related Web sites:

  • Money Purchase Plans.Com is an Internet resource designed to provide investors and organizations with basic information.
  • Smart Money provides a good summary for small businesses, and compares the money purchase plan with other retirement plans.

The Foundation has accumulated sources of information on non-qualified deferred compensation plans (NQDC plans) as follows:

For information issuing stock as to non-family members, visit Fox, Rothschild, O'Brien & Frankel, LLP's web site. Scroll down to "Thinking of Issuing Stock to Some of Your Key Employees?".

Sources for information on best practices for corporate benefits are as follows:

FEI Research Foundation Products available for this topic are:

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