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FEI Committees Urge IRS To Preserve Policy of Restraint

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FEI Committees Urge IRS To Preserve Policy of Restraint

In a letter to policymakers  at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Treasury Department, FEI’s Committee on Taxation (COT) and Committee on Corporate Reporting (CCR) have urged the IRS to maintain its current “policy of restraint” with regards to tax accrual workpapers.

For the past several years, the IRS has only requested such workpapers for companies that enter into listed transactions. However, with the adoption of FIN 48, senior IRS officials have indicated that they may adopt sweeping changes to the policy of restraint. For more information on this issue, please contact Mark Prysock at FEI (mprysock@FinancialExecutives.org).

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