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Private Companies: Tune Into FASB Update For Nonpublic Entities, June 17

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Private Cos.: Tune Into FASB Update For Nonpublic Entities, June 17

June 13, 2011

FEI Summary


The Financial Accounting Standards Board is scheduled to provide an “Update for Nonpublic Entities” via a webcast on June 17 from 1 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. EDT.


The webcast will focus on:


  • The Financial Accounting Foundation’s strategic review of standard setting for nonpublic entities;
  • The FASB’s recent process changes made to broadly engage nonpublic stakeholders in standard setting;
  • Progress on the FASB-International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) convergence program; and
  • Other active projects or recently-issued standards of interest to nonpublic entities. 

Speakers will include:


Up to 2.0 continuing professional education credits (CPE) will be offered for the live webcast. An archived webcast (no CPE available for archived webcast) will also be available on FASB's website until Sept. 15.

Read additional course and
registration information for FASB's June 17 Update for Nonpublic Entities.


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