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FEI Blog's 2011 Music Video Coming Soon!

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FEI Blog's 2011 Music Video Coming Soon!
July 15, 2011

(MORRISTOWN, N.J. July 15, 2011) The FEI Financial Reporting Blog, a source of timely news and analysis of developments at the Financial Accounting Standard Board, International Accounting Standards Board, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and related developments on Capitol Hill, has announced the upcoming release of its second 'music video' about accounting.

Slated for release the last week in July, the FEI blog's 2011 music video features a star turn by Steven Zelin, "The Singing CPA," and was recorded under the outstanding direction of Rob Taube of Rob Taube Words and Music. The video is being shot by Glenora ("Glennie") Blackshire.

Similar to the FEI blog's 2010 music video, this year's production will feature a parody of a well-known song, with the lyrics refocused through the lens of financial accounting and regulatory reporting. 

New this year: the FEI blog's 2011 video will feature live footage of the performance, and other surprises. 

View last year's video, and the 2011 music video when launched at the end of July, at www.youtube.com/feiblog. Watch for news about the launch of the 2011 music video in the FEI blog, www.financialexecutives.org/blog.

Below are some photographs taken at the audio recording session.


Photos credit: Merrill Reich.


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