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Narrative Responses Written In For "Other" To Q. 3, FEI Survey On Treasury's Financial Stability Plan Feb. 25, 2009
Question 3 in FEI's Survey on the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Stabilility Plan asked:
Do you believe credit will become more readily available as a result of the Financial Stability Plan.
Answers available were:
No, because of hard to value troubled assets
No, because of fair value/mark-to-market accounting
No, because of a combination of the above
Don't know
Other-please specify
Below are the narrative responses that were written in by survey respondents who said "Other" |
# |
Response |
1 |
Stimulus artificial, banks know it, won't lend. |
2 |
Available, but at a high cost due to inflation. |
3 |
Only if U.S. jobs are created. |
4 |
No because of the disaster created by Obama. |
5 |
People are scared. Need to build confidence. |
6 |
Will open some additional credit, but not enough. |
7 |
Lenders and borrowers lack confidence. |
8 |
Hard to value and categorize. Foreclosure a negative. |
9 |
Not enough detail from him [Geithner] to know answer |
10 |
TARP and FV remedies do not repair credit markets. |
11 |
No, because government borrowing will smother. |
12 |
Don't know because there are no details in plan. |
13 |
Credit standards more stringent. |
14 |
ACORN corrupted lending to get us in this mess. |
15 |
No, he is subsidizing marginal companies/assets. |
16 |
No confidence in government ability to discern ROI. |
17 |
No, because of lack of borrower credit-worthiness. |
18 |
Financial Stability Plan [FSP] will delay making credit available. |
© 2009 Financial Executives International
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