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Welcome to Financial Executives International, the preeminent association for CFOs and other senior finance executives. FEI provides
networking, advocacy and timely updates and CPE on financial management and reporting; Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance; regulatory updates
from the SEC, FASB, PCAOB and IASB; as well as career management and executive-level and other finance & accounting jobs.
financial reporting
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Staff Contact

Christina Crooks
Manager, Government Affairs – Financial Policy
(202) 626-7803

: Committees on Benefits Finance: Home

The Committee on Benefits Finance was established in 1966 to study and formulate opinions on existing and proposed legislation affecting employee benefits. This includes pension, health and other forms of employee benefits that affect the design, financing or administration of any form of employee benefit.

The Committee is empowered to present its findings, recommendations, statements and positions to the members of FEI. It may also communicate them to other business and professional organizations, Federal and State government agencies, the Congress and other entities having an interest in these matters.

    Mission and Objectives:
  • Educate members on issues involving benefits finance, retirement security and related legislative and regulatory matters
  • Develop policy positions on selective legislative/regulatory issues and influencing outcomes on these issues with particular focus on retirement plans, including pension, savings and health care plans
  • Provide an effective forum for member networking
  • Chair - Douglas Kudler, MetLife
  • Past Chair - Kelly B. Lappin, RTX Corporation
networking, knowledge, advocacy & leadership