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Welcome to Financial Executives International, the preeminent association for CFOs and other senior finance executives. FEI provides
networking, advocacy and timely updates and CPE on financial management and reporting; Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance; regulatory updates
from the SEC, FASB, PCAOB and IASB; as well as career management and executive-level and other finance & accounting jobs.
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mechanical specs
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page dimensions


15.75" x 10.75"


Full Page

7.875" x 10.75"


2/3 island

4.35" x 9.5"


2/3 bleed

3.3" x 9.5"


1/2 horizontal island

6.625" x 4.75"


1/2 horizontal bleed

7.875" x 5.375"


1/2 vertical island

3.3" x 9.5"


1/2 vertical bleed

3.83" x 10.75"


1/4 horizontal island

6.625" x 2.062"


1/4 horizontal bleed

7.875" x 2.687"


1/4 vertical island

2" x 9.5"


1/4 vertical bleed

2" x 10.75"

: specifications

Full Page dimensions:


7.875" x 10.75"


additional 0.125" beyond trim

Live area:

6.625" x 9.5"

Trim Safety:


acceptable file types:

Native files: (i.e. Quark, InDesign) layout, images & fonts collected for output. Images must be 300 dpi, cmyk color. Fonts must include both screen & printer.

PDF: Use job options x-1A or press ready. Embed fonts; images must be 266dpi and cmyk, not rgb color space or lo res.

Native files: (i.e Illustrator, Photoshop) All fonts must be converted to outlines,
Otherwise provide both screen & printer fonts. No jpeg or gif images at 72 dpi.

All color should be cmyk. Files containing rgb color will be returned. PMS color should be converted. If you wish to run PMS color as a spot, there will be additional charges. Please consult the rate card for details.

Images provided should be 266-300 dpi, cmyk color in .eps or tiff format.
Jpegs & gifs are unacceptable for printing.

SWOP-certified proof should follow/accompany material delivery. Publisher cannot guarantee color unless accompanied by a SWOP-certified proof. Laser proofs are acceptable for position only.

delivery method:

FTP is available. Use a compression program such as Stuff It, or Zip to post to the Magazine Ads folder. Label file: FExx(month)xx(year)_advertiser name.sit.
Contact Laura Avello for ftp access info at lavello@FinancialExecutives.org or 973.765.1030

Mail files on a CD: FEI, Ad Materials Dept., 1250 Headquarters Plaza, West Tower 7th Floor, Morristown, NJ 07960

networking, knowledge, advocacy & leadership